Archive for the ‘ True Crime ’ Category

Serial Killer Robin Stanislaw Ligus

The family of  Trevor Bradley from Ludlow branded his killer “sadistic” after a jury found he was responsible for the antique dealer’s death 17 years ago.

Robin Stanislaw Ligus, 59, was found to be responsible for the death Mr Bradley, whose body was found in a burnt-out car near Oswestry, in April 1994 by jurors at Birmingham Crown Court.

They also found that Ligus had killed 57-year-old Brian Coles from Whitchurch, in October, 1994.

Ligus is currently serving a life sentence for the murder of a pensioner, Robert Young, also in 1994.

In a statement issued after the verdict, Mr Bradley’s family branded Ligus a “sadistic human being.”

The jury heard Ligus lured Mr Bradley to remote farmland in Melverley, near Oswestry, and then hit him over the head with an iron bar before putting his body into a car and setting it alight.

In confessions made to police in 2000, Ligus said he took £2,000 from Mr Bradley’s pocket after hitting him over the head. He said he went to Liver pool afterwards and used the cash to fund his heroin and cocaine addiction.

The unanimous verdict came after 14 hours of deliberation by the jury who had to determine that Ligus was responsible for the acts that led to Mr Bradley’s death.

But Ligus was cleared of involvement in the death of a third man, Bernard Czyzewska, whose body was found in the River Severn in Shrewsbury in November that year.

Prior to the month long trial Mr Justice Colman Treacy ruled that because of his mental state Ligus, a father-of-three from Shrewsbury, was unfit to plead to the charges.

Ligus, heavily bearded and tattooed, listened to the jury’s verdicts via video link from Woodhill Prison, in Buckinghamshire. He will be sentenced on July 29.

Mr Bradley’s body was discovered in April, 1994, lying behind the front seats of his Vauxhall Nova car, but his remains were so badly damaged he had to be identified through X-ray.

The well-known antiques dealer from Ludlow, was last seen in Leominster after he had visited the town’s bingo hall.

Mr Bradley’s body was exhumed in 2009 as part of a cold case review by West Mercia police and pathologists said he was likely to have suffered a broken collar bone and fractured skull before the fire.

In a statement Mr Bradley’s family thanked police for the investigation and it was very hard at the beginning to learn they had lost a brother in such a cruel way.

“We now know this was by a sadistic human being. We are glad that it has now finally come to an end.”

Detective Inspector Andy Parsons, who led the inquiry, refer red to the “wholesale confessions”

made by Ligus to cellmates, police and a psychologist.

“The result has proved that Robin Ligus was in fact a serial killer and not a serial confessor.

“His victims were vulnerable and were brutally killed in horrific circumstances”.

During the trial, the jury heard a psychologist who had interviewed Ligus in 2000 was so concerned by his responses she warned the authorities.

Dr Caroline Logan interviewed the serial killer as part of a confidential project but felt Ligus was such an “imminent”

danger to those around him that something should be done.

Dr Logan told the jury Robin Ligus had an anti-social personality disorder with narcissistic and sadistic tendencies.

Ligus had told her he wanted to become Britain worst prison killer.


Robin Ligus

Note from me: He’s a purty one isn’t he?

Zodiac Killer: Massachusetts Man Says He’s Cracked the Cipher


A Massachusetts man says he’s cracked the Zodiac killer’s cipher that has befuddled law enforcement agencies for the last 40 years since the enigmatic serial killer went on his Bay Area killing spree. The amateur sleuth says the 340-character code sent to the San Francisco Chronicle declares at the end “My name is Leigh Allen,” one of the principal suspects in the case who died in 1992.

Corey Starliper of Tewksbury, Massachusetts, became obsessed with the Zodiac case and decided he could break the code, according to news reports.

“It was just instinct,” he told the Burlingame Patch. “I have a gut feeling that it could be cracked.”

Not to say it wasn’t a complex process. Starliper did it in two sessions — one that was six hours long and another where he spent three hours on it.

According to the Patch:

According to Robert Graysmith, in “Zodiac” tips received by police after Darlene Ferrin’s murder indicated that the killing was connected to the U.S. Virgin Islands. Starliper believed that the “340” of the 340 cipher was significant, and had some tie-in with the U.S. Virgin Islands. It was then that he found out that 340 is the area code for a portion of the U.S. Virgin Islands — not an insignificant connection.

“So that’s what I started with,” said Starliper. “I thought, there’s no way … that Zodiac is going to be prosaic enough not to mention the U.S. Virgin Islands in this code. This is where it gets even creepier. 3+4+0=7. Right. So you get 7+0=7. 707… 707 are the area codes for Vallejo, Napa, and Solano. So I figured, why not start this with Caesar code using 3,4.”

We’re no cipher experts, but it Starliper’s result is at least highly readable:


















Starliper told the Patch that he’d contacted various Bay Area law enforcement agencies, but has only gotten a tepid response. SFPD Homicide Inspector Kevin Jones told SF Weekly he never heard from Starliper, but would send the code onto the FBI, which has the experts to check Starliper’s method.

“There’s people who over the years think they’ve come with answers to the cipher but the FBI hasn’t been able to validate it,” Jones says. Could this be the one?

I do not think that Arthur Leigh Allen is the Zodiac. I guess that means that I doubt this guy actually cracked the code.

Arthur Leigh Allen

Here is info on why I do not think Allen was the Zodiac:

The police sketch of the Zodiac Killer.

UPDATE: In October 2002, Allen’s DNA was compared to DNA obtained from a confirmed Zodiac letter. There was no match. In 2003, due to Allen’s alleged habit of having others lick his stamps and envelopes (he claimed the taste of glue made him sick), SFPD obtained a voluntary DNA sample from Don Cheney. The results were negative.
From Wikipedia:
Arthur Leigh Allen was the only suspect in the Zodiac murders to be served search warrants by police. He was never charged with any Zodiac-related crime and his fingerprints did not match those left by the killer of taxi cab driver Paul Stine. In 1991, 22 years after the shootings, survivor Michael Mageau identified Allen as the man who shot him, from a photo lineup of 1968 driver’s licenses. Mageau stated he had never been shown a photo line up prior to that appointment in 1991. Allen, who suffered from diabetes, died on August 26, 1992 from kidney failure.
In 2002, SFPD developed a partial DNA profile from the saliva on stamps and envelopes of Zodiac’s letters. SFPD compared this partial DNA to the DNA of Vallejo Police Department’s lead suspect, Arthur Leigh Allen. A DNA comparison was also made with Don Cheney’s DNA, who was Allen’s former close friend and the first person to suggest Allen may be the Zodiac Killer. Since neither test result indicated a match, Allen and Cheney were excluded as the contributors of the DNA, though it cannot be stated definitively that it is DNA from the Zodiac on the envelopes.Additionally in 2002, a partial palm print (called “Writer’s Palm”) was lifted from “The Exorcist” letter and then compared to a palm print of Allen’s. Again, test results showed the palm prints did not match. Even though DNA samples taken from the letters sent by the Zodiac ruled out Allen as the person who handled them, neither the Vallejo nor the San Francisco Police Departments have ruled out Allen as a suspect.
I kind of hope that I am wrong and that the cipher has been solved, meaning the killer is exposed. I just really doubt it.
I think that Mr. Starliper started out with Allen as a suspect and with that in mind (and believing the Hollywood hype) he fit his solution around that.
The Zodiac Killer was boastful. He enjoyed killing, tormenting , threatening the general public and he liked playing mind games, especially with the police.
This ‘solved’ cipher does not sound at all like the first. It sounds more like a Son of Sam letter.

Saline Serial Killer

Rebecca Leighton is being questioned by murder detectives over the Angel of Death killings.

Leighton, 26, was arrested yesterday in a dawn raid at her flat which is a mile from the hospital where three patients have died in suspicious circumstances.

The nurse is being quizzed by police investigating the contamination of saline solution at Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport, Greater Manchester, where she works and was recently demoted.

Friends call her Becki and say she is “lovely and bubbly”.

The deaths of Tracey Arden, 44, George Keep, 84, and Arnold Lancaster, 71, are being linked to the saline “sabotage”. And a man in his 40s was last night still critically ill at the hospital.

Update: Police today confirmed two more deaths at the hospital

They are among 14 patients whose treatment since July is being probed.

Forensic experts were last night searching Leighton’s flat in Stockport.

She is believed to have worked on the two wards – A1 and A3 – at the centre of the investigation.

A police spokesman said yesterday: “This morning a 26-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of murder. She remains in police custody for questioning and inquiries are continuing.”

A source at Stepping Hill said: “The whole hospital is shocked.

“Becki had been demoted from charge nurse to a nurse in the past few weeks.

“I don’t think it was a disciplinary issue. It was because the charge nurse position was a permanent one.

“Becki had been working on ward A3 and was moved to the position of nurse on ward A1. She has been at the hospital for at least a year. She has dark red hair and is quite normal.”

On her Facebook page, Leighton says she is engaged and adds: “I’m a happy go lucky kinda gal, loves the wkend (if im not workin) and having a laugh with the people that i call friends for a reason x”

A recent post on her page said: “What an exciting life I lead!”. She also wrote: “F*** it, life is too short”.

And in February she said: “I may be bad but im perfectly gud at it”.

Leighton, who was arrested by about 10 officers at 6am, lives with boyfriend Tim Papworth, 28, above his darts shop.

He plays at the nearby Star and Garter pub where he sponsors a weekly darts contest which Leighton helps to organise.

Landlady Beryl Cosgrove said: “Becki is a lovely person. Everyone around here in the darts world knows her and we are all completely shocked that she has been arrested over this.

“She is a pretty young girl who is very sociable but never talks about her job.

“On nights out she only drinks lager or cider – and never too much.

“She is always well dressed and appeared to be a hard-working girl who was bubbly and friendly.”

Becki, who is 5ft 6ins, was often seen by neighbours in her blue uniform.

Convenience store owner Hamit Bayatpoor said she was a regular visitor.

He added: “She has large eyes and is a biggish girl but very nice.

“I saw her only yesterday with her boyfriend. She used to come in to buy cigarettes – always 20 or 40 Mayfair – and a bottle of Echo Falls rose wine.” The nurse’s parents, Lynda and David, were not at their home in Denton, Greater Manchester, last night.

It is thought that Lynda also works at Stepping Hill where she trains nurses.

The couple’s next-door neighbour, Frank Eaton, 83, said yesterday: “I only know Becki to say hello to – but she’s a lovely girl.”

Mr Leighton is understood to be a coach driver who has driven the Manchester City football team.

At least 60 detectives are involved in the hospital investigation and have questioned more than 50 staff.

Police were alerted after a nurse reported an unusually high number of patients on her ward with unexplained low blood sugar levels.

Officers found insulin had contaminated a batch of 36 saline ampoules in a storeroom close to ward A1.

Detectives believe the hormone was deliberately injected into saline containers used in at least two wards but add that the deaths remain unexplained while they await the results of further pathology tests.

A coroner has opened and adjourned the inquests.

Chris Burke, the chief executive of Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, said that security had been stepped up and added: “Our staff are shocked, horrified and angry about what
has happened.

“They are alarmed that a place which should be for care has become a crime scene.”

James Catania, medical director at Stepping Hill, said insulin was always kept in a fridge in a locked treatment room. Saline solutions are now also being locked away.

Gran Tracey Arden, who battled multiple sclerosis for 12 years and lived near Becki Leighton in Stockport, died at Stepping Hill on July 7.

Retired businessman Mr Keep, of Cheadle, near Stockport, was admitted to the hospital with a fractured hip after falling on June 27.

He seemed to be recovering but suddenly deteriorated. Doctors fought to keep him alive for six days, giving him blood and putting him on a saline drip to hydrate him. He died last Thursday.

Retired newspaper photographer Mr Lancaster, of Romiley in Stockport, died at Stepping Hill on July 11.

Videos and photos here.

The Update:

Police are investigating the deaths of two more patients at the hospital linked to allegations of sabotage.

The patients were an 83-year-old man and an 84-year-old woman, Greater Manchester Assistant Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said.

Detectives are continuing to question a nurse arrested on suspicion of the murder of three other patients at Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport.

Rebecca Leighton, 27, was arrested yesterday at her home a mile from the hospital where she worked.

Tracey Arden, 44, George Keep, 84, and Arnold Lancaster, 71, are thought to have died following the deliberate contamination of saline solution with insulin.

The 84-year-old patient died on July 14 but her case was referred to detectives yesterday.

The 83-year-old man died today after he suffered a hypoglycaemic episode on July 11.

Mr Hopkins said: “As with the deaths of George Keep, Arnold Lancaster and Tracey Arden, the cause of this man and woman’s deaths is not known and it is important we do not lose sight of this fact.

“In relation to the death of the woman, this was referred to us by the coroner and after a review of the circumstances surrounding this death – notably the low blood sugar level – we have decided to investigate further.

“In relation to the man’s death, due to the fact he suffered a hypoglycaemic episode during a timeframe we are looking at it is only right we conduct further inquiries.

“We have family liaison officers with both families and my thoughts are with them as they are with the relatives of all affected by this incident.

“I want to make it abundantly clear that we are working closely with the coroner and, as is to be expected, it is likely we will be asked to investigate further deaths.

“In the main these are likely to be deaths of people who are elderly and/or ill, and we fully support the coroner’s ‘belt and braces’ approach to ensuring future deaths that require further investigation are appropriately investigated and scrutinised.

“I cannot emphasis enough how complex an investigation this is, requiring detailed forensic and medical analysis, and want to take the opportunity to thank the hospital and staff for their on-going help and support.

“Our inquiry has gathered apace and while we have made an arrest any suggestion that this investigation is close to being complete is misleading.

“All I can say in relation to the arrest is that we have a 27-year-old woman in police custody who has been arrested on suspicion of murder and I am not prepared to say anything else that could potentially prejudice a future trial.

“We are fully committed to finding out exactly what has happened and officers continue to work around the clock in order to provide answers to the families of those who have lost their lives.

“We are determined to identify and bring to justice the person responsible and we are continuing to appeal to anyone who might have information relevant to this investigation to get in touch.”

The officer clarified earlier reports suggesting a man in his 40s had died. The officer said he was in fact still very poorly.

He added: “I would very much like to reassure people that both of the deaths that are now forming part of this investigation occurred prior to the police being called.

“Since the police have been investigating, and the measures have been stepped up in terms of security at the hospital, we have had no further incidents of deliberate damage or contamination of products within Stepping Hill Hospital.”

The two pensioners had been patients on the wards in question, A1 and A3.

The inquiry centres on patients’ treatment since July 7.

Mr Hopkins said detectives’ focus was still on preventing further harm and once that was done they would look at cases before July 7.

“Our focus remains on the here and now,” he added.
Read more:

Hunting Serial Killers

Hunting Serial Killers.

Very interesting post.

19-year-old Serial Killer in Training?

According to Pierce County Prosecutors, 19-year-old Matthew Garrett Williams is a textbook example of a budding serial killer.

The Lakewood teen was arrested on July 8 when police found him passed out in his car, an air rifle in his lap and a ski mask on his face. Earlier in the day someone had called police stating that someone matching Williams’ descriptions had fired an air rifle at a man waiting at a bus stop.

When police pulled Williams from his car, they say they found .22 caliber rifle ammunition and a large machete inside, along with a bag of “marihuana.”

Upon questioning, Williams allegedly told officers that he’d bought the rifle thinking it was deadly and that he wanted to kill many people. He supposedly told them that he has great respect for Ted Bundy, and that “he enjoyed the ‘God-like’ feeling he got when he tortured and killed an animal.”

During the interview WILLIAMS stated that he was preparing to murder people. He stated that he had been increasingly strong desires to murder people and that he had been taking steps to prepare himself to carry out the murders, including steps to “desensitize” himself to murder. These steps included:He had identified a particular victim type, to wit: homeless people and/or “average” white men with no family connections.

He had killed 5-7 birds and squirrels, mutilating their bodies.

He had gone online and watched videos of people being tortured and killed.


Furthermore, Williams apparently told police about how he’d previously killed his father’s cat while he was gone over the Fourth of July. Court documents say Williams said he’d tried to strangle the cat, but it was taking too long, so he bludgeoned it to death with a flashlight.

Later he kept the corpse in his car for several days before finally driving it to a remote cul-de-sac and setting it on fire.

Williams drew a map for officers to find the cat’s corpse, and they supposedly found a burnt mark on the road and a singed cat collar.

Williams also apparently told officers that he didn’t think he could contain the urge to kill people much longer, and he agreed to be voluntarily committed to Western State Hospital.

He now stands charged with felony harassment, animal cruelty, two weapons charges, DUI, and possession of marijuana.

He was arraigned today.

More here.

Update on Anthony Sowell Trial

The state of Ohio rested its case against accused serial killer Anthony Sowell on Monday following 12 hours of interrogation video.

Cleveland police Det. Lem Griffin was the last prosecution witness to take the stand and answered questions about the time he spent with 51-year-old Sowell in the interrogation room. During the video, Griffin and his partner, Det. Melvin Smith, become frustrated with Sowell, who had been given his Miranda Rights several times and still agreed to speak with police.

Without the jury present, the defense asked for the charges to be dropped under rule 29, saying the state has not met the burden of proof. Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Dick Ambrose dropped one of the kidnapping charges, along with an aggravated murder specification.

Sowell faces 85 charges, including aggravated murder, kidnapping and abuse of a corpse, in the deaths of 11 women whose bodies were found in October 2009.

The defense will begins its case Tuesday morning.


Full coverage

Some inmates may have early parole

A new bill signed into law could mean that senior citizens fitting a certain criteria could be eligible to appear before the parole board and possibly released from prison.

House Bill 138, signed into law by Gov. Bobby Jindal, allows for certain inmates who are at least 60 years old and who have served at least 10 years of their prison term to apply for consideration from the board.

Angela Whitaker, spokeswoman and confidential assistant to state Department of Public Safety and Corrections Secretary James Leblanc, said the bill will affect eight men and one woman.

“It is an eligibility bill so they can go before the parole board,” Whitaker said. “We have looked at the state facilities, and we don’t think it will have a huge impact.”

Of the nine, only one is housed at a prison (Wade Correctional in Homer) in northern Louisiana. However, the Department of Corrections currently houses more than 1,200 inmates who are older than 60. The DOC estimates it costs $20,000 per year to house a prisoner, and that figure could go up to $80,000 to house a sick or ailing inmate.

The new bill has strict stipulations. Criteria include that the offender has not been convicted of a violent crime or a sex offense, the offender has not had any disciplinary offenses in the 12 months prior to the parole eligibility date, the offender has completed mandatory minimum of 100 hours of pre-release programming and completed a substance abuse program if applicable.

Other criteria include that the offender has obtained a GED unless the offender has previously obtained a high school diploma or is deemed by a certified educator as being incapable of obtaining a GED. In this case, the offender must complete a literacy program, an adult basic education program, or a job-skills training program.

The offender also must have a low-risk level designation approved by LeBlanc.

Fourth Judicial District Attorney Jerry Jones said he has some reservations about the bill and doesn’t want to see habitual offenders fall through the cracks and be released into society.

He said a prime example would be the case of Anthony Glen Wilson of Monroe.Wilson was convicted in July 2007 of simple burglary that netted him a bottle of cologne and 58 cents. Based on the habitual offender law, Wilson was later handed a life sentence for the burglary.

But, Ouachita Parish sheriff’s deputies linked Wilson’s DNA to the 1981 murder of Kathy Whorton of Bastrop, and authorities believe he may have committed two other murders around that time. Although authorities matched his DNA to the crime scene, he was never tried for the murder because the autopsy report and other evidence were lost over the years.

“We convicted a person believed to be a serial killer for stealing a bottle of cologne,” Jones said. “I don’t care if he is 100 years old, he should not be eligible for parole. Certain criminals should not be eligible.”

Officials said Wilson, who is 52 years old and housed at Louisiana State Penitentiary, is a sex offender and will not be eligible. But, other habitual offenders might be.

Local defense attorney Charles Kincade said the law could save the DOC money.

“I think it is a great thing,” Kincade said. “It is compassionate and humane. It makes common sense from a financial standpoint. It is going to cease spending scarce public money on housing and essentially release harmless people.”


On paper this sounds great, I just worry that it is going to be done by procedure without thought and actual investigation.

Also, even with a GED and job training most of these older prisoners are going to have a hard time finding a job just due tojob availability (especially now) and the health concerns will make employment after incarceration even harder.  So then it will be out of prison, on to the streets and onto welfare.

It might relieve the prison finace numbers but I do not think it is actually going to help the state much overall.

Marin judge seeks financial report on murder suspect Naso

Suspected serial killer Joseph Naso was granted permission Thursday to have a legal adviser, but the judge is undecided on whether taxpayers should foot the bill.

IMO that answer is NO!

Judge Andrew Sweet said he will appoint a county official to investigate Naso’s wealth and his ability to access it, and report back later this month. Marin County prosecutors say Naso has more than $1 million in liquid assets — including $150,000 he can access by merely writing a letter to authorities in his home state of Nevada — but Naso says he cannot get to his money and no private lawyer will help him without payment.

“My assets are impounded,” Naso, 77, said during a brief hearing Thursday afternoon. “I have no assets.”

Not that I understand all the legal circumstances but I do not think that frozen is the same as gone.

Naso initially insisted on representing himself in the multiple murder case, saying he did not want to expend money on a lawyer. But recently he filed a motion seeking “advisory counsel” to help with the complex litigation, which could bring him the death penalty.

Deputy District Attorney Dori Ahana argued that Naso is not indigent and has no right to a publicly financed lawyer.

I agree. Nasso can pay for his own defense.

Sweet said he will rule on Naso’s request on July 26 after hearing the report on his finances.

Naso has pleaded not guilty to charges of murdering four reputed prostitutes: Roxene Roggasch, 18, dumped between Fairfax and Woodacre in 1977; Carmen Colon, 22, found near Port Costa in 1978; Pamela Parsons, 38, found in Yuba County in 1993; and Tracy Tafoya, 31, found in Yuba County in 1994. All four cases are being prosecuted in Marin Superior Court.


Roggasch, who lived in the East Bay, was strangled with panty hose that contained the DNA of Naso’s wife, according to court documents. The investigation also revealed that Naso kept a handwritten list of 10 women in 10 locations — including apparent allusions to the four murder victims, authorities allege.

The district attorney has declined to comment on whether the other six women have been identified and accounted for.

Naso, a retired freelance photographer, also kept a collection of racy photos of women — including admitted photos of Parsons — and rented a deposit box with newspaper clippings about two of the murders, authorities said.

The photographs and writings were seized last year at Naso’s home in Reno, where police were conducting a probation search. He was arrested by Marin authorities in April after completing a jail term in an unrelated case.

Naso is being held without bail.


Parents Grieve

Joanna Parrish: ‘We just want to know who killed our daughter’

Twenty-one years after the unsolved murder of an English student in France, the parents of Joanna Parrish still search for answers. Last week, they learnt they may never find justice.

It was a last, desperate attempt by Pauline Murrell to discover who killed her daughter Joanna more than 20 years ago: a heart-rending three-page letter to the wife of the suspected killer, begging her “as one mother to another” to tell her the truth.

“I hope that you will be able to give us a bit of the peace of mind that we have been seeking for so long,” reads the letter. “We need to know the truth and you are the only person who can help us… Madame, I beg you to re-examine your conscience and tell me the truth.”

“I thought that, as a mother of three sons, she would understand; that maybe she would have the same parental feelings as a normal person,” says Mrs Murrell sadly, sipping a cup of tea. We are sitting in the handsome Gloucestershire cottage owned by Roger Parrish, Joanna’s 67-year-old father. The couple are divorced, and Pauline remarried, but their shared grief means they remain close friends.

Joanna Parrish’s parents have spent more than two decades fighting for justice for their 20-year-old daughter who was found raped and strangled in a river in Auxerre, Burgundy.

With no help forthcoming from Monique Olivier – the wife of the French serial killer Michel Fourniret, who was suspected of Jo’s murder but never tried – the couple have had to rely on the French police investigation, which they feel has been inadequate.

Then last week they received another crushing blow, one that almost certainly means they will never know who killed their daughter. They were informed that a Paris prosecutor had asked a judge to rule that there is “no case to answer” against Fourniret and Olivier.

“We had been dreading the day when we would hear this news,” says Mr Parrish, a retired civil servant. “That’s why we sent the letter. It is a terrible shock. It means the case is closed and we will never know who killed Jo. All we ever wanted was the truth so that we could move on with our lives. That almost certainly won’t be possible now.”

Joanna, a languages student at Leeds University, was found dead on May 17, 1990, a week before she was due to finish teaching English as an assistante at a lycée in Auxerre, where she was spending the third year of her four-year course.

Her parents had planned to visit her and take her belongings home. Meanwhile, Joanna was set to travel on to the Czech Republic to join her boyfriend Patrick, another Leeds student spending a year abroad.

According to a flatmate, Jo had received a phone call from a man responding to a newspaper advert she had placed offering private English classes. He said he wanted Joanna to teach his son. She arranged to meet the mystery caller outside the Banque Populaire in Auxerre at 7pm – but she never returned home. Her naked body was found the following day in the River Yonne, three miles outside the town. She had been raped and strangled.

The death of such a popular, friendly girl, with her adult life just beginning, shattered her family. “She was at that age when she was slipping free of the apron strings,” Mr Parrish says as he flicks through photographs of Jo – his “bright, happy, caring” daughter – as a sweet 14-year-old; Jo aged 16 as Sleeping Beauty in a pantomime; Jo with her brother, Barney, three years her junior. “She was sailing across a smooth sea. She was at a top university, with a bright career ahead of her, and in a fulfilling relationship. She was doing well and was happy. Then she was taken from us, from everyone, in such a terrible way.

“She had done nothing wrong, she was innocent. I cannot find the words to describe the impact her loss has had – and is still having – on us. It was like the end of our lives.”

Once, even twice, a year following their daughter’s murder, her grief-stricken parents would travel to France to hand out leaflets, appeal for information, and search for clues, witnesses, anything that might help.

Then in May 2008, Michel Fourniret, now 68, was jailed for life for murdering seven women aged between seven and 21 in north-east France and Belgium. He was dubbed The Beast of Ardennes. His wife, Monique Olivier, who had helped lure the victims, was also given a life sentence for complicity.

Mr Parrish says there are “too many similarities” with the other murders. At Fourniret’s trial, they heard how he was obsessed with raping and killing girls and young women, preferably virgins, aided by his wife, who was described in court as “a deceitful witch”. His victims were strangled, like Joanna, or shot or stabbed to death with a screwdriver, mostly in the forests of Ardennes.

In several cases Olivier gave a lift to a girl, sometimes with her baby son in the back of the car, and would then “pick up” Fourniret who would be waving an empty petrol can at the roadside. He was eventually caught in 2003 after a 13-year-old girl he had abducted escaped from the back of his white van when it stopped at traffic lights. She told police Fourniret had said to her: “Shut up or I’ll kill you. You must give me pleasure.”

Monique Olivier has thrice told prosecutors that she had seen her husband murder a young woman in Auxerre and then dump the body in the Yonne river in 1990 – which is precisely what happened to Joanna. But each time she had retracted the confession, claiming it was made under duress.

Joanna’s parents remain calm and dignified, but they are still angry that the police did not do more to find Jo’s killer. The investigation has been beset by blunders and delays as the Auxerre police “lost” crucial DNA evidence that, with today’s technology, could have led them to the murderer.

Crucially, officers also failed to trace the phone call made to Joanna to arrange the English lessons. “There is something very wrong with the way the investigation was handled,” says Mr Parrish. “It’s been incredibly frustrating.”

Parents never recover from the loss of a child; they can only cope as best they can. Mr Parrish says the torment is worst at night. He has had to take sleeping pills every evening since Jo’s death.

Joanna’s mother is similarly tormented. “Never a day goes by that we don’t think about her.” She admits she didn’t cry for months after her daughter’s death, partly because she was in denial, partly because they were used to Jo being away from home for long periods. But the reality hit her in October, and the tears flowed, when she read a copy of the post-mortem report. The details of Jo’s death were gruesome. “I told Roger not to read it, but he did. It was just so horrible,” she says.

Their turbulent emotions include an element of guilt, irrational perhaps, but real to those who are left behind when children die. “It feels we have let her down,” says Mrs Murrell. “I think that perhaps we could have done some things differently.”

Indeed, memories of Jo come back to haunt them at unexpected times – when they hear a song or music that she loved, for instance, such as Pachelbel’s Canon or Wham’s Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go, which the family would sing as “before you Jo-Jo”.

Stumbling across something that belonged to their lost daughter can also trigger powerful emotions. “I found her school scarf the other day and I just started crying,” says her mother.

Jo’s brother, Barney, was “knocked sideways” by his sister’s death. “He saw her as a guiding light and was a lost soul when she was killed,” says Mr Parrish. “He didn’t talk about Jo for months.”

Barney missed the summer term of his lower sixth and, though he returned to school for his upper sixth year, was unable to sit his A-levels. He also had to cope with another shock: the news that his parents were separating.

They had decided to split up six weeks before Jo was killed. Roger and Pauline had told Jo who, they say, “understood”, but didn’t plan to tell Barney until his sister was back from her travels. In the end, he had to deal with both blows at once.

“He was a young 17 and we were worried about him,” says Mr Parrish. “It took him until he was well into his thirties before he settled down.”

Jo and Barney’s parents went ahead with the separation but remain close. Barney, now 39, and his wife Hayley have given Roger and Pauline three grandchildren – a source, they say, of immense comfort.

Locals in the picture-perfect village of Newnham on Severn, where Jo spent most of her teenage years, rallied round after the murder, calling in regularly to check on the family. Her funeral was held at the local St Peter’s church, with 600 people attending the service. “Neighbours still ask me about the investigation,” says Mrs Murrell.

Even today, the family receives emails from many of Jo’s French pupils and university friends. Her boyfriend Patrick, now married with two daughters, visits the family and puts flowers on Jo’s grave every year.

Her family gathers on Jo’s birthday – July 30 – to “celebrate” her life, while her parents also meet, more quietly, on the anniversary of her death.

But Joanna’s parents have also had to cope with criticism of their quest to find the truth about what happened to their daughter. When they went on their regular trips to France to check on the investigation and make their own inquiries, one teacher accused them of giving the Lycée Jacques Amyot, where Joanna had taught, a bad name. Others in the town said they were damaging the reputation of Auxerre and putting off tourists. Mr Parrish was even criticised for saying the fact that Joanna was dragged to the river along a small, hidden track suggested the killer was a local person.

Twenty-one years after their daughter’s murder, her parents know that the last legal door has probably been slammed in their faces, even though their lawyers will challenge the decision. The case against Fourniret can be reopened if new evidence emerges in the next 10 years – but they know this is unlikely.

But Joanna’s parents have not yet given up hope entirely. The couple are pinning their hopes on Monique Olivier – perhaps even Fourniret himself – confessing before they die.

“They will both get older and they may just decide to say something,” believes Mr Parrish. “And we have to cling to that hope.”


The case has been closed. 
Crime Library Story on Fourniret and Olivier.

Operation Phoenix.

THE world’s first online murder database will make it easier for cops to snare serial killers such as Peter Tobin.

Operation Phoenix goes live today across the Strathclyde Police force area.

And it is hoped the web-based system, which identifies patterns and trends, will be rolled out across Scotland next year.

Phoenix has been four years in the making and was developed for just £32,500 by Scotland’s biggest police force and the national Violence Reduction Unit (VRU).

To date, 2277 murders are on the database, dating back to 1940, as well as scores of long-term missing persons.

The Record was the first paper to be briefed on technology that has the potential to revolutionise the investigation of both cold and live cases.

Strathclyde Detective Chief Superintendent Colin Field said: “From an investigative perspective we think we have got something here that is pretty unique.

“As part of the development of Phoenix, we have already identified murders where there are fresh lines of inquiry or opportunity.”

Field, who chaired the working group which created the virtual reference library, would not be drawn on cases where a breakthrough could be imminent. But he said the technology could prove invaluable in hunting down monsters such as Peter Tobin, who committed murders in Glasgow, Bathgate and Kent.

Asked if Tobin could have been caught sooner if Phoenix had been operational, Field said: “Although the system will never actually physically identify an individual as a suspect it will assist in quick identification of links with previous detected and unresolved cases.

“This will identify quickly any possible suspects.”

The top cop added: “It’s about creating a legacy and learning from our investigations.”

Phoenix was inspired by Operation Trinity, a homicide database developed to examine links between a series of unsolved murders from the 1970s, including the World’s End case.

It involved the compilation of data on every female murder in Scotland since 1965.

Since 2008 a dedicated team of Phoenix analysts have created dossiers on 2277 murders.

While all unresolved murders will be fed into the database, details of resolved cases – around 1200 – have only been recorded back to 1995.

Field said Phoenix will save a massive amount of police time and resources.

He said: “If you pick out a murder that is 20 years old and find out who actually worked on it, that will take a month.

“To get that small amount of information there you would probably have to search police officer’s lofts and garages.”

Karyn McCluskey, deputy head of the VRU, said: “For Trinity they had to invite old detectives in to tell war stories because there was nothing written down. That’s why Phoenix is so unique.

“It is cutting edge and it is designed to get an outcome for victims’ families.”

Ms McCluskey said it is also an invaluable tool for crime prevention in that it can be used to identify trends.

She added: “No murder is ever forgotten.

“If you have got a 70-year-old out there who has committed a murder 50 years ago on a 20-yearold female then it is still live and people are still looking.

“The victims are always remembered. The 2277 murders is not a statistic Scotland should be proud of. We must learn from it and do better in future.”

VRU analyst Maighread Townsend said the database includes a complete overview of a crime, with everything from scene pics and CCTV footage to post mortem reports and behavioural information for the victim and offender.

The old database had 48 fields but Phoenix has 358 – and rising.

Maighread said the “golden section” of the database is the action log which contains details of all the decisions – good and bad – taken during the course of the investigation.

Cops can also use mapping software to chart the previous addresses of a suspect and undetected crimes which have occurred nearby.

Officers can then explore coincidences in dates and descriptions.

After every case has concluded full debrief must be held within 28 days to allow key aspects of the inquiry to be preserved while they are still fresh in the minds of those who worked on the case.

Detective Inspector Pat Campbell said the debriefs take the form of an “honest debate” and allow for both best practice and mistakes to be recorded for all posterity.

And since 2009 Strathclyde Police have held 75.

They aim to ensure priceless expertise is not lost when senior officers retire but rather is preserved for future generations of detectives.

Field said: “The loneliest place on the planet is when you are the senior officer in a murder. Phoenix is about giving you support and a virtual critical friend.” Strathclyde Chief Constable Stephen House said: “The message is a simple one.

“We will catch you and you will be brought to justice.”

Full Article


I am excited to see how this goes. If it does work as well as they are stating this could be a great asset for law enforcement world wide.